Dihadapkan pada tantangan besar dalam memerangi krisis global yang tiada duanya, para ilmuwan India mengambil peran dalam memproduksi vaksin meskipun tidak memiliki sumber daya dan infrastruktur yang cukup untuk menyelamatkan enam belas juta warga negara tersebut.
Faced with the catastrophic challenge of fighting a global crisis like no other, Indian scientists take on the mantle of producing vaccine despite not having enough resources and infrastructure to save the nation's sixteen million citizens.
Faced with the catastrophic challenge of fighting a global crisis like no other, Indian scientists take on the mantle of producing vaccine despite not having enough resources and infrastructure to save the nation's sixteen million citizens.
Directors: Vivek Agnihotri
Writer: Vivek Agnihotri
Starring: Nana Patekar, Pallavi Joshi, Sapthami Gowda
Writer: Vivek Agnihotri
Starring: Nana Patekar, Pallavi Joshi, Sapthami Gowda
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