Elya, yang tinggal di Izmir, bermimpi mendapatkan gelar master dalam keahlian memasak dan bekerja di lingkungan perusahaan melawan tekanan ibunya untuk menikah dan menjamin kehidupan. Dia mengetahui bahwa dia telah diterima untuk pekerjaan di Istanbul. Percaya bahwa dia harus berkumpul dengan dia, yang dia temui online dan telah jatuh cinta selama beberapa bulan, dia datang ke Istanbul dengan keputusan mendadak.
Elya, who lives in Izmir, dreams of getting a master's degree in gastronomy and working in a corporate environment against her mother's pressure to get married and guarantee life. She learns that she has been accepted for a job in Istanbul. Believing that she should get together with he, whom she met online and has been in love with for a few months, she comes to Istanbul with a sudden decision.
Elya, who lives in Izmir, dreams of getting a master's degree in gastronomy and working in a corporate environment against her mother's pressure to get married and guarantee life. She learns that she has been accepted for a job in Istanbul. Believing that she should get together with he, whom she met online and has been in love with for a few months, she comes to Istanbul with a sudden decision.
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