This Train (2023)
101 Minm | United States of America | Drama, Music | 2023-10-12
Seorang bintang rock yang sudah tua, Ricky "Hellcat" Heller, pulang ke Indiana bertahun -tahun setelah menghilang, setelah kematian tragis putranya. Dijauhi oleh istrinya yang terasing dan sebagian besar kota, Ricky percaya bahwa dia lebih baik mati sampai seorang anak, dihantui oleh iblisnya sendiri, menunjukkan kepadanya sebaliknya.
An aging rock star, Ricky "Hellcat" Heller, returns home to Indiana years after disappearing, following the tragic death of his son. Shunned by his estranged wife and much of the town, Ricky believes that he is better off dead until a kid, haunted by his own demons, shows him otherwise.
An aging rock star, Ricky "Hellcat" Heller, returns home to Indiana years after disappearing, following the tragic death of his son. Shunned by his estranged wife and much of the town, Ricky believes that he is better off dead until a kid, haunted by his own demons, shows him otherwise.
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