Penyelidik yang menyamar, Robert, seharusnya mendapatkan kepercayaan penjahat melalui hubungan fiktif dengan Leni. Namun, perasaan bukan sekedar permainan. Penjahat yang dimata-matailah, di antara semua orang, yang membuatnya menghadapi perasaan kontradiktifnya…
The undercover investigator Robert is supposed to win the trust of a criminal through a fictitious relationship with Leni. However, the feelings are not just a game. It is the spied criminal, of all people, who makes him confront his contradictory feelings…
The undercover investigator Robert is supposed to win the trust of a criminal through a fictitious relationship with Leni. However, the feelings are not just a game. It is the spied criminal, of all people, who makes him confront his contradictory feelings…
Directors: Christoph Hochhusler
Writer: Florian Plumeyer
Starring: Thea Ehre, Timocin Ziegler, Michael Sideris
Writer: Florian Plumeyer
Starring: Thea Ehre, Timocin Ziegler, Michael Sideris
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