Kehidupan Narendra dan Ajeng berpotongan untuk pertama kalinya ketika masa lalu dan sekarang datang bersama -sama dalam prekuel ini dengan "Suatu hari yang akan kita bicarakan hari ini."
The lives of Narendra and Ajeng intersect for the first time as past and present come together in this prequel to "One Day We'll Talk About Today."
The lives of Narendra and Ajeng intersect for the first time as past and present come together in this prequel to "One Day We'll Talk About Today."
Directors: Angga Dwimas Sasongko
Writer: Marchella FP, Mohammad Irfan Ramly, Yemima Krisantina
Starring: Jourdy Pranata, Yunita Siregar, Rio Dewanto
Writer: Marchella FP, Mohammad Irfan Ramly, Yemima Krisantina
Starring: Jourdy Pranata, Yunita Siregar, Rio Dewanto
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