Tracy Morgan: Takin' It Too Far (2023)
50 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Documentary, TV Movie | 2023-08-17
Bersyukur dan bersemangat, Tracy Morgan memiliki setnya dan tanpa malu-malu menangani topik-topik seperti berkencan di usia 50-an (bersama dengan efek samping tak terduga yang menyertainya), keluarga disfungsionalnya, upaya membalikkan gentrifikasi di Brooklyn, dan kecelakaan mobil tahun 2014 yang sangat umum. yang menyebabkan dia mengalami banyak patah tulang, cedera otak traumatis, dan penyelesaian yang cukup besar.
Grateful and hyped, Tracy Morgan owns his set and unabashedly tackling topics such as dating in his 50s (along with the unexpected side effects that comes with it), his dysfunctional family, attempting to reverse gentrification in Brooklyn, and the very public 2014 car accident that left him with multiple broken bones, a traumatic brain injury, and a substantial settlement.
Grateful and hyped, Tracy Morgan owns his set and unabashedly tackling topics such as dating in his 50s (along with the unexpected side effects that comes with it), his dysfunctional family, attempting to reverse gentrification in Brooklyn, and the very public 2014 car accident that left him with multiple broken bones, a traumatic brain injury, and a substantial settlement.
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