Cerita resmi tentang peristiwa seputar kudeta 30 September 1965 yang dilakukan oleh Kolonel Untung, Komandan Batalyon Cakrabirawa. Tujuh jenderal dibunuh dan Mayor Jenderal Soeharto digambarkan sebagai penyelamat. Sebuah dokudrama yang sangat detail dan "meyakinkan" dari sudut pandang tertentu.
The official story about the events surrounding the 30 September 1965 coup d'etat carried out by Colonel Untung, the Commandant of the Cakrabirawa Battalion. Seven generals were murdered and Major General Soeharto is depicted as the saviour. A very detailed and "convincing" docudrama from a certain point of view.
The official story about the events surrounding the 30 September 1965 coup d'etat carried out by Colonel Untung, the Commandant of the Cakrabirawa Battalion. Seven generals were murdered and Major General Soeharto is depicted as the saviour. A very detailed and "convincing" docudrama from a certain point of view.
Directors: Arifin C Noer
Writer: Arifin C Noer, Nugroho Notosusanto
Starring: Umar Kayam, Bram Adrianto, Amoroso Katamsi
Writer: Arifin C Noer, Nugroho Notosusanto
Starring: Umar Kayam, Bram Adrianto, Amoroso Katamsi
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