Adi mencoba semua kondisi sehingga doanya diberikan, tetapi doanya "Tuhan, minta uang" tidak menjadi kenyataan. Doa yang awalnya dia katakan hanya untuk memperbaiki ubin atap rumahnya yang bocor dan membeli mbah kedah nasi padang, meningkat ketika neneknya yang merawatnya dari bayi jatuh di kamar mandi, dirawat di rumah sakit, dan membutuhkan banyak uang. Alih -alih dikabulkan, Adi kehilangan pekerjaannya sebagai polisher karena teman -temannya dalam profesi mengungkapkan bahwa Adi adalah seorang wanita. Wanita dilarang berpartisipasi dalam pemolesan, karena dapat menyebabkan belas kasih "berlebihan" dari pelanggan potensial. Itu pada titik terendah bahwa doanya dijawab, Adi menemukan tas yang berisi ratusan juta, tetapi membawanya ke bencana.
Adi tried all the conditions so that his prayer was granted, but his prayer "God, ask for money" did not come true. The prayer that he originally said was only to repair the leaking roof tiles of his house and buy Mbah Kedah Nasi Padang, increased when his grandmother who took care of him from the baby fell in the bathroom, was hospitalized, and required a lot of money. Instead of being granted, Adi lost his job as a polisher because his friends in the profession revealed that Adi was a woman. Women are prohibited from participating in polishing, because it can cause "excessive" compassion from potential customers. It was at the lowest point that his prayer was answered, Adi found a bag containing hundreds of millions, but led him to disaster.
Adi tried all the conditions so that his prayer was granted, but his prayer "God, ask for money" did not come true. The prayer that he originally said was only to repair the leaking roof tiles of his house and buy Mbah Kedah Nasi Padang, increased when his grandmother who took care of him from the baby fell in the bathroom, was hospitalized, and required a lot of money. Instead of being granted, Adi lost his job as a polisher because his friends in the profession revealed that Adi was a woman. Women are prohibited from participating in polishing, because it can cause "excessive" compassion from potential customers. It was at the lowest point that his prayer was answered, Adi found a bag containing hundreds of millions, but led him to disaster.
Directors: Azhar Kinoi Lubis
Writer: Puguh P S Admadja
Starring: Anantya Rezky Kirana, Putri Ayudya, Asrul Dahlan
Writer: Puguh P S Admadja
Starring: Anantya Rezky Kirana, Putri Ayudya, Asrul Dahlan
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