Dua ahli zoologi yang mencari Anatolian Panther yang punah mencari jejak -jejaknya di hutan yang dalam di Anatolia. Veysel percaya bahwa Panther yang hampir mitos mewujudkan sesuatu di luar hewan, unsur yang telah hilang dan masih dicari oleh orang Anatolia. Bagi Emre, hanya gagasan memotret absen Anatolian Panther menggairahkannya. Mereka berhasil menangkap citra kucing besar yang tidak jelas, tetapi mereka tidak dapat membuktikan bahwa itu adalah Panther. Kedua teman itu terkejut dan terganggu ketika mereka melihat boneka kumbang di kantor beberapa birokrat. Veysel rahasia mengungkapkan kepada Emre di Hacıbektaş mengubah keduanya. Akankah mencari sesuatu yang tidak ada menghancurkan mereka juga?
Two zoologists seeking the extinct Anatolian panther search for its traces in the deep forests of Anatolia. Veysel believes the almost mythical panther embodies something beyond an animal, an element that Anatolian people have lost and are still looking for. For Emre, only the idea of photographing the absent Anatolian panther excites him. They manage to capture an obscure image of the large cat, but they can’t prove it is the panther’s. The two friend are surprised and disturbed when they see stuffed panthers at the offices of some bureaucrats. A secret Veysel reveals to Emre in Hacıbektaş changes both of them. Will searching for something non-existent destroy them, too?
Two zoologists seeking the extinct Anatolian panther search for its traces in the deep forests of Anatolia. Veysel believes the almost mythical panther embodies something beyond an animal, an element that Anatolian people have lost and are still looking for. For Emre, only the idea of photographing the absent Anatolian panther excites him. They manage to capture an obscure image of the large cat, but they can’t prove it is the panther’s. The two friend are surprised and disturbed when they see stuffed panthers at the offices of some bureaucrats. A secret Veysel reveals to Emre in Hacıbektaş changes both of them. Will searching for something non-existent destroy them, too?
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