Kumaresan, seorang polisi, direkrut untuk operasi yang dilakukan untuk menangkap Perumal Vaathiyar, yang memimpin kelompok separatis yang berdedikasi untuk melawan pihak berwenang karena melakukan kekejaman terhadap perempuan desa yang tidak bersalah atas nama interogasi polisi.
Kumaresan, a police constable, gets recruited for an operation implanted to capture Perumal Vaathiyar, who leads a separatist group dedicated to fighting against the authorities for committing atrocities against innocent village women in the name of police interrogations.
Kumaresan, a police constable, gets recruited for an operation implanted to capture Perumal Vaathiyar, who leads a separatist group dedicated to fighting against the authorities for committing atrocities against innocent village women in the name of police interrogations.
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