We Have Never Been Modern (2023)
117 Minm | Czech Republic, Slovakia | Crime, Drama | 2023-10-05
Helena, akan melahirkan dan menghadapi masa depan yang cerah di kota modern, sebagai istri hamil dari manajer pabrik yang penting. Namun, semua ilusinya segera binasa, karena mayat bayi interseks yang baru lahir ditemukan di tengah pabrik mereka. Helena perlu mencari tahu apa yang terjadi di sini untuk keselamatan anaknya sendiri, tetapi dia mengalami prasangka sendiri.
Helena, is about to give birth and face a rosy future in a modern city, as the pregnant wife of an important factory manager. However, all her illusions soon perish, as the dead body of a newborn intersex baby is found in the middle of their factory. Helena needs to find out what happened here for the safety of her own child, but she runs into her own prejudices.
Helena, is about to give birth and face a rosy future in a modern city, as the pregnant wife of an important factory manager. However, all her illusions soon perish, as the dead body of a newborn intersex baby is found in the middle of their factory. Helena needs to find out what happened here for the safety of her own child, but she runs into her own prejudices.
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