Where the Devil Can't Go, He Sends a Woman 2 (2023)
0 Minm | Poland | Comedy, Crime, History | 2023-01-20
Kisah nyata peruntungan Polandia dan kisah para pahlawan dari bagian pertama memiliki kelanjutan yang penuh warna. Bisakah teman bisnis tetap percaya satu sama lain ketika semakin banyak uang yang dipertaruhkan? Bagaimana perusahaan milik negara diprivatisasi dan meraup jutaan dolar ke kantong swasta? Siapa yang memegang kendali dalam kemerdekaan Polandia? Bahkan lebih banyak misteri. Kelemahan manusia.
The true story of Polish fortunes and the story of the heroes from the first part has its colorful continuation. Can business friends continue to trust each other when even more money is at stake? How were state-owned companies privatized, garnering millions into private pockets? Who was pulling the strings in free Poland? Even more mysteries. Human weaknesses.
The true story of Polish fortunes and the story of the heroes from the first part has its colorful continuation. Can business friends continue to trust each other when even more money is at stake? How were state-owned companies privatized, garnering millions into private pockets? Who was pulling the strings in free Poland? Even more mysteries. Human weaknesses.
Directors: Heathcliff Janusz Iwanowski
Writer: Krzysztof Tokarek, Heathcliff Janusz Iwanowski, Heathcliff Janusz Iwanowski
Starring: Magorzata Kouchowska, Agnieszka Widocha, Dominika Gwit
Writer: Krzysztof Tokarek, Heathcliff Janusz Iwanowski, Heathcliff Janusz Iwanowski
Starring: Magorzata Kouchowska, Agnieszka Widocha, Dominika Gwit
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