Di sebuah kota kecil, trio teman yang tidak terduga – Percy Boy, Keithy Cobb, dan Daisy Hawkins – bersatu untuk merebut gelar hari olahraga sekolah setempat dari sekelompok pengganggu kelas lima. Namun saat Percy Boy berlatih dengan bantuan teman-temannya, dia kemudian menemukan kemampuan supernaturalnya untuk melihat jiwa yang hilang – sebuah anugerah yang diturunkan dari kakeknya. Percy Boy harus mengatasi ketakutannya, membuktikan ketangguhannya, dan menjadi kekuatan yang patut diperhitungkan.
In a small country town, a trio of unlikely friends – Percy Boy, Keithy Cobb and Daisy Hawkins – band together to take the local school sports day title from a group of grade five bullies. But as Percy Boy trains with the help of his mates, he then discovers his supernatural ability to see lost souls – a gift passed down from his grandfather. Percy Boy must overcome his fears, prove his resilience and become a force to be reckoned with.
In a small country town, a trio of unlikely friends – Percy Boy, Keithy Cobb and Daisy Hawkins – band together to take the local school sports day title from a group of grade five bullies. But as Percy Boy trains with the help of his mates, he then discovers his supernatural ability to see lost souls – a gift passed down from his grandfather. Percy Boy must overcome his fears, prove his resilience and become a force to be reckoned with.
Directors: Tanith GlynnMaloney
Writer: Boyd Quakawoot
Starring: Max Turner, Jessica Mauboy, Pia Miranda
Writer: Boyd Quakawoot
Starring: Max Turner, Jessica Mauboy, Pia Miranda
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