You Can't Escape Me (2023)
90 Minm | Canada, United States of America | Thriller, TV Movie | 2023-02-17
Seorang seniman yang bercita -cita tinggi akhirnya selesai dengan suaminya yang kasar. Dia tahu dia harus memulai lagi, atau dia akan menemukannya. Dia pikir dia aman di Seattle dengan seorang teman yang telah dia hubungi, tetapi dia mendapati dirinya dalam bahaya.
An aspiring artist is finally done with her abusive husband. She knows she has to start over, or he will find her. She thinks she is safe in Seattle with a friend she has been out of touch with, but she finds herself in danger.
An aspiring artist is finally done with her abusive husband. She knows she has to start over, or he will find her. She thinks she is safe in Seattle with a friend she has been out of touch with, but she finds herself in danger.
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