Your Lucky Day (2023)
89 Minm | United States of America | Crime, Thriller | 2023-11-10
Setelah perselisihan mengenai tiket lotere yang menang berubah menjadi situasi penyanderaan yang mematikan, para saksi harus memutuskan dengan tepat seberapa jauh mereka akan bertindak—dan berapa banyak darah yang ingin mereka tumpahkan—untuk mendapatkan potongan sebesar $156 juta.
After a dispute over a winning lottery ticket turns into a deadly hostage situation, the witnesses must decide exactly how far they’ll go—and how much blood they’re willing to spill—for a cut of the $156 million.
After a dispute over a winning lottery ticket turns into a deadly hostage situation, the witnesses must decide exactly how far they’ll go—and how much blood they’re willing to spill—for a cut of the $156 million.
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