Ketika penerbangannya ditunda pulang dari perjalanan bisnis, Keith Mitchell harus meninggalkan putrinya Alexis, yang terjebak di rumah di bawah tahanan rumah, sendirian untuk malam itu. Setelah Keith akhirnya berada di udara dengan batang penuh WiFi, ia melihat orang asing memasuki rumah di sistem keamanannya. Tidak dapat memperingatkan Alexis ketika wifi tiba -tiba terpotong, Keith duduk tak berdaya dari 30.000 kaki di udara sementara putrinya berjuang untuk hidupnya.
When his flight is delayed coming home from a business trip, Keith Mitchell has to leave his daughter Alexis, who’s stuck at home under house arrest, alone for the night. Once Keith is finally in the air with full bars of WiFi, he notices a stranger enter the house on his security system. Unable to warn Alexis when the WiFi suddenly cuts out, Keith sits helpless from 30,000 feet in the air while his daughter fights for her life.
When his flight is delayed coming home from a business trip, Keith Mitchell has to leave his daughter Alexis, who’s stuck at home under house arrest, alone for the night. Once Keith is finally in the air with full bars of WiFi, he notices a stranger enter the house on his security system. Unable to warn Alexis when the WiFi suddenly cuts out, Keith sits helpless from 30,000 feet in the air while his daughter fights for her life.
Directors: Chris Stokes
Writer: Marques Houston, Chris Stokes
Starring: Michael Jai White, Precious Way, Erica Mena
Writer: Marques Houston, Chris Stokes
Starring: Michael Jai White, Precious Way, Erica Mena
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