Sri menerima tawaran pekerjaan yang murah hati dan ditugaskan untuk melakukan ritual pembersih untuk Dela Atmojo, seorang gadis tak sadar yang menderita heks 1000 hari. Teror dimulai ketika rekan kerjanya lalai untuk menyelesaikan ritual. Gagal tampil sampai hari ke -1000 akan mengakibatkan kematian mereka.
Sri accepts a generous job offer and tasked to perform a cleansing ritual for Dela Atmojo, an unconscious girl who is suffering from the hex of 1000-days. The terror begins when her coworker neglects to finish the ritual. Failing to perform until the 1000th day will result in their demise.
Sri accepts a generous job offer and tasked to perform a cleansing ritual for Dela Atmojo, an unconscious girl who is suffering from the hex of 1000-days. The terror begins when her coworker neglects to finish the ritual. Failing to perform until the 1000th day will result in their demise.
Directors: Kimo Stamboel
Writer: Agasyah Karim, Khalid Kashogi, Simpleman
Starring: Mikha Tambayong, Rio Dewanto, Givina Lukita
Writer: Agasyah Karim, Khalid Kashogi, Simpleman
Starring: Mikha Tambayong, Rio Dewanto, Givina Lukita
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