Fernandinho adalah seorang pria keluarga, mantan pemain sepak bola dan komentator podcast saat ini yang terkejut dengan kunjungan saudara iparnya yang tidak nyaman, Gregorio, yang menemukan menjadi malas dan benar-benar berdarah-vampir.
Fernandinho is a family man, former football player and a current podcast commentator that is surprised by the visit of his inconvenient brother-in-law, Gregorio, who discovers to be lazy and literally a bloodsucker - a vampire.
Fernandinho is a family man, former football player and a current podcast commentator that is surprised by the visit of his inconvenient brother-in-law, Gregorio, who discovers to be lazy and literally a bloodsucker - a vampire.
Directors: Ale McHaddo
Writer: Paulo Cursino
Starring: Leandro Hassum, Rmulo Arantes Neto, Edson Celulari
Writer: Paulo Cursino
Starring: Leandro Hassum, Rmulo Arantes Neto, Edson Celulari
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