Untuk menjaga dirinya dan bayinya yang baru lahir tetap hidup, seorang ibu harus berjuang untuk mengatasi depresi pasca melahirkan, kesedihan, setan dalam diri, dorongan jahat, dan penyiksa yang tidak terlihat sampai suaminya dapat pulang dari perjalanan bisnis untuk membantunya.
In order to keep herself and her newborn baby alive, a mother must fight to overcome postpartum depression, grief, inner demons, sinister impulses, and an unseen tormentor until her husband can return home from his business trip to help her.
In order to keep herself and her newborn baby alive, a mother must fight to overcome postpartum depression, grief, inner demons, sinister impulses, and an unseen tormentor until her husband can return home from his business trip to help her.
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