Alex Edelman: Just for Us (2024)
91 Minm | United States of America | Comedy | 2024-04-06
Setelah lari yang terkenal di Broadway, komedian Alex Edelman membawa pertunjukan solonya ke HBO dalam komedi khusus yang semuanya baru. Setelah serangkaian ancaman anti-Semit menunjuk ke arahnya secara online, Edelman memutuskan untuk langsung ke sumbernya; Secara khusus, Queens, di mana ia secara diam-diam menghadiri pertemuan nasionalis kulit putih dan berhadapan langsung dengan orang-orang di belakang keyboard.
After an acclaimed, extended run on Broadway, comedian Alex Edelman brings his solo show to HBO in an all-new comedy special. In the wake of a string of anti-Semitic threats pointed in his direction online, Edelman decides to go straight to the source; specifically, Queens, where he covertly attends a meeting of White Nationalists and comes face-to-face with the people behind the keyboards.
After an acclaimed, extended run on Broadway, comedian Alex Edelman brings his solo show to HBO in an all-new comedy special. In the wake of a string of anti-Semitic threats pointed in his direction online, Edelman decides to go straight to the source; specifically, Queens, where he covertly attends a meeting of White Nationalists and comes face-to-face with the people behind the keyboards.
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