Alien Planet (2023)
82 Minm | | Science Fiction | 2023-03-31
Prajurit Kameen, Brocheet, melakukan perjalanan ke Rockachie, untuk menemukan botol yang akan meremajakan dunia asalnya dengan air minum yang berkelanjutan, namun planet berbahaya dan penghuninya, Lokkein, tidak akan membiarkannya pergi tanpa perlawanan.
Kameen warrior, Brocheet, travels to Rockachie, to find a vial that will rejuvenate his home world with sustainable drinking water, but the dangerous planet and its inhabitants, the Lokkein, won't let it go without a fight.
Kameen warrior, Brocheet, travels to Rockachie, to find a vial that will rejuvenate his home world with sustainable drinking water, but the dangerous planet and its inhabitants, the Lokkein, won't let it go without a fight.
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