Amityville Death Toilet (2023)
72 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Horror | 2023-01-05
Gregg G. Allin memiliki podcast semi-sukses yang mengeksplorasi peristiwa paranormal. Ketika Amityville dibanjiri dengan serentetan pembunuhan di toilet yang mengarah kembali ke rumah berhantu di masa lalu, Gregg tidak membuang waktu untuk terbang ke kota untuk mendapatkan jawaban. Saat Walikota Dump di Amityville menuntut jawaban dan diakhirinya pembunuhan, Gregg bingung karena rumah Amityville ini tampaknya tidak terlalu menakutkan. Penampilannya sangat menipu, dan setelah toilet di rumah memutilasi Sebastian sang pengasuh, Gregg terpaksa bertindak. Yang terjadi kemudian adalah pertempuran yang tiada duanya di mana Gregg didorong hingga ke batas neraka dan seterusnya dalam upaya menyelamatkan kota… dan dunia!
Gregg G. Allin has a semi-successful podcast exploring paranormal events. When Amityville is overrun with a spate of toilet murders leading back to the haunted house of yesteryear, Gregg wastes no time flying into town to get some answers. With Amityville’s Mayor Dump demanding answers and an end to the killings, Gregg is perplexed because this Amityville house doesn’t seem to be that scary. Looks are very deceiving, and, after a toilet in the house mutilates Sebastian the caretaker, Gregg is forced to act. What ensues is a battle like no other where Gregg is pushed to the very limits of hell and beyond in an effort to save the town… and the world!
Gregg G. Allin has a semi-successful podcast exploring paranormal events. When Amityville is overrun with a spate of toilet murders leading back to the haunted house of yesteryear, Gregg wastes no time flying into town to get some answers. With Amityville’s Mayor Dump demanding answers and an end to the killings, Gregg is perplexed because this Amityville house doesn’t seem to be that scary. Looks are very deceiving, and, after a toilet in the house mutilates Sebastian the caretaker, Gregg is forced to act. What ensues is a battle like no other where Gregg is pushed to the very limits of hell and beyond in an effort to save the town… and the world!
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