Satoru Mizushima adalah seorang desainer, yang lebih suka hal -hal tradisional seperti barang buatan tangan dan karya tulisan tangan. Suatu hari, dia kebetulan bertemu dengan seorang wanita misterius, Miyuki Miharu, di kafe bernama piano. Dia tampaknya memiliki nilai yang sama dengannya dan dia tertarik padanya. Satoru meminta nomor ponsel Miyuki, tetapi dia tidak memiliki ponsel. Mereka membuat janji untuk bertemu di kafe setiap hari Kamis. Sejak itu, Satoru dan Miyuki bertemu setiap hari Kamis dan hubungan mereka berkembang secara romantis. Satoru memutuskan untuk mengusulkan Miyuki, tetapi dia tidak muncul di kafe.
Satoru Mizushima is a designer, who prefers traditional things like handmade items and handwritten works. One day, he happens to meet a mysterious woman, Miyuki Miharu, at the cafe named Piano. She seems to have similar values to him and he is attracted to her. Satoru asks for Miyuki's cellphone number, but she doesn't own a cellphone. They make a promise to meet at the cafe every Thursday. Since then, Satoru and Miyuki meet every Thursday and their relationship develops romantically. Satoru decides to propose Miyuki, but she doesn't show up at the cafe.
Satoru Mizushima is a designer, who prefers traditional things like handmade items and handwritten works. One day, he happens to meet a mysterious woman, Miyuki Miharu, at the cafe named Piano. She seems to have similar values to him and he is attracted to her. Satoru asks for Miyuki's cellphone number, but she doesn't own a cellphone. They make a promise to meet at the cafe every Thursday. Since then, Satoru and Miyuki meet every Thursday and their relationship develops romantically. Satoru decides to propose Miyuki, but she doesn't show up at the cafe.
Directors: Hideta Takahata
Writer: Takeshi Kitano, Takehiko Minato
Starring: Kazunari Ninomiya, Haru, Kenta Kiritani
Writer: Takeshi Kitano, Takehiko Minato
Starring: Kazunari Ninomiya, Haru, Kenta Kiritani
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