Bahkan, menikah tidak secara otomatis membuat Anda bahagia. Apalagi dia menikah dengan Vika. Nasty, pemarah, cemburu buta, tidak bisa memasak. Begitulah penyesalan Mirza, suami Vika, yang digugat karena perceraian setelah 5 tahun hidup bersama.
In fact, getting married does not automatically make you happy. Moreover, he married Vika. Nasty, grumpy, blind jealous, can't cook. Such is the regret of Mirza, Vika's husband, who was sued for divorce after 5 years of living together.
In fact, getting married does not automatically make you happy. Moreover, he married Vika. Nasty, grumpy, blind jealous, can't cook. Such is the regret of Mirza, Vika's husband, who was sued for divorce after 5 years of living together.
Directors: Danial Rifki
Writer: Evelyn Afnilia
Starring: Ge Pamungkas, Anastasia Herzigova, Indra Jegel
Writer: Evelyn Afnilia
Starring: Ge Pamungkas, Anastasia Herzigova, Indra Jegel
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