Angel Baby (2023)
100 Minm | United States of America | Horror, Thriller | 2023-12-15
Seorang istri yang pengasih dan suaminya pindah ke kabin terpencil untuk sembuh dari kehilangan yang menghancurkan dari si kembar yang lahir mati. Segera dia merasakan kehadiran jahat dan didorong ke tepi ketika rahasia gelap mulai terurai.
A loving wife and her husband move away to a remote cabin to heal from the devastating loss of their stillborn twins. Soon she senses an evil presence and is pushed to the edge when dark secrets begin to unravel.
A loving wife and her husband move away to a remote cabin to heal from the devastating loss of their stillborn twins. Soon she senses an evil presence and is pushed to the edge when dark secrets begin to unravel.
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