Ah Dai berasal dari keluarga yang menjalankan kuil Ortodoks yang bergengsi. Kekasih masa kecilnya, Yufan, sangat ingin menemukan bibinya yang hilang. Dalam upayanya untuk membantu, Ah Dai setuju untuk berpartisipasi dalam ritual khusus yang diyakini teman -teman sekolahnya dapat membantu mereka mencari bantuan dari para dewa untuk memberikan keinginan mereka. Namun, mereka terpikat untuk berdoa kepada kekuatan jahat sebagai gantinya. Ketika teman -teman sekolahnya mati satu demi satu, Ah Dai mencoba menggunakan hadiahnya untuk mengusir kejahatan untuk menyelamatkan teman -temannya. Pada akhirnya, ia menghadapi yufan yang benar -benar jahat dan harus melawannya untuk menyelamatkan lingkungan.
Ah Dai comes from a family that runs a prestigious orthodox temple. His childhood sweetheart, Yufan, is desperate to locate her missing aunt. In his attempt to help, Ah Dai agrees to participate in a special ritual that his schoolmates believe could help them seek assistance from the gods to grant their desires. However, they are lured into praying to evil forces instead. As his schoolmates die one after another, Ah Dai tries to use his gift to exorcise evil to save his friends. At the very end, he faces a completely demonized Yufan and must fight her to save the neighborhood.
Ah Dai comes from a family that runs a prestigious orthodox temple. His childhood sweetheart, Yufan, is desperate to locate her missing aunt. In his attempt to help, Ah Dai agrees to participate in a special ritual that his schoolmates believe could help them seek assistance from the gods to grant their desires. However, they are lured into praying to evil forces instead. As his schoolmates die one after another, Ah Dai tries to use his gift to exorcise evil to save his friends. At the very end, he faces a completely demonized Yufan and must fight her to save the neighborhood.
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