Arap Kadri, menyukai kebebasannya, adalah orang yang tidak sopan yang tinggal di hutan. Hutan yang sama tempat Tarzan menetapkan ketertiban, makhluk mencoba menjalani kehidupan yang tertib. Kadri tidak dapat beradaptasi dengan kehidupan kota, melemparkan kunci pas ke kehidupan reguler yang ia temui di hutan. Situasi ini menyebabkan konflik antara dia dan Tarzan.
Arap Kadri, fond of his freedom, is an unruly man who lives in the forest. The same forest where Tarzan establishes order, creatures try to live an orderly life. Kadri cannot adapt to city life, throwing a wrench into the regular life he encounters in the forest. This situation causes a conflict between him and Tarzan.
Arap Kadri, fond of his freedom, is an unruly man who lives in the forest. The same forest where Tarzan establishes order, creatures try to live an orderly life. Kadri cannot adapt to city life, throwing a wrench into the regular life he encounters in the forest. This situation causes a conflict between him and Tarzan.
Directors: Emre Kavuk
Writer: mer Fikret en, Volkan ge
Starring: Ahmet Mmtaz Taylan, Necip Memili, Zeynep amc
Writer: mer Fikret en, Volkan ge
Starring: Ahmet Mmtaz Taylan, Necip Memili, Zeynep amc
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