Axegrinder 666 (2023)
82 Minm | United States of America | Horror | 2023-03-06
Entri terbaru dalam seri Axegrinder. Freddy Palmer sudah mati. Lagi. Tapi tidak lama. Ketika sekelompok gadis Goth pergi ke pantai, mereka bertemu lebih dari mantan pacar dan teman baik. Freddy bangun dan memotong semua orang di jalannya.
The newest entry in the Axegrinder series. Freddy Palmer is dead. Again. But not for long. When a group of goth girls go away to the beach they run into more than ex boyfriends and ex best friends. Freddy wakes up and cuts through everyone in his path.
The newest entry in the Axegrinder series. Freddy Palmer is dead. Again. But not for long. When a group of goth girls go away to the beach they run into more than ex boyfriends and ex best friends. Freddy wakes up and cuts through everyone in his path.
Directors: Matthew A Peters
Writer: Matthew A Peters, Mark Joseph Peek
Starring: Stephanie Ward, Jennie Russo, Ryan LoMedico
Writer: Matthew A Peters, Mark Joseph Peek
Starring: Stephanie Ward, Jennie Russo, Ryan LoMedico
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