Bagman (2024)
92 Minm | United States of America | Horror, Thriller | 2024-09-20
Selama berabad-abad dan di berbagai budaya, orang tua telah memperingatkan anak-anak mereka tentang Bagman yang legendaris, yang merenggut anak-anak yang tidak bersalah dan memasukkan mereka ke dalam tasnya yang busuk dan keji—tidak akan pernah terlihat lagi. Patrick McKee nyaris lolos dari pertemuan seperti itu sebagai seorang anak laki-laki, yang meninggalkan bekas luka yang membekas sepanjang masa dewasanya. Kini, penyiksa masa kecil Patrick telah kembali, mengancam keselamatan istrinya Karina dan putranya Jake.
For centuries and across cultures, parents have warned their children of the legendary Bagman, who snatches innocent children and stuffs them into his vile, rotting bag—never to be seen again. Patrick McKee narrowly escaped such an encounter as a boy, which left him with lasting scars throughout his adulthood. Now, Patrick’s childhood tormentor has returned, threatening the safety of his wife Karina and son Jake.
For centuries and across cultures, parents have warned their children of the legendary Bagman, who snatches innocent children and stuffs them into his vile, rotting bag—never to be seen again. Patrick McKee narrowly escaped such an encounter as a boy, which left him with lasting scars throughout his adulthood. Now, Patrick’s childhood tormentor has returned, threatening the safety of his wife Karina and son Jake.
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