Sebuah desa diteror oleh iblis. Teror ini disebabkan oleh warga yang melakukan Pesugaihan (ritual untuk menjadi kaya). Kepala dusun dan penduduk lainnya mencoba menyingkirkan teror ini.
A village being terrorized by a demon. This terror was caused by residents who performed pesugihan (ritual to get rich). The head of the hamlet and other residents tried to get rid of this terror.
A village being terrorized by a demon. This terror was caused by residents who performed pesugihan (ritual to get rich). The head of the hamlet and other residents tried to get rid of this terror.
Directors: Brama Yudha Prawira
Writer: Koko Bz
Starring: Jennifer Rachel Natasya, Zacky Zimah, Teuku Rifnu Wikana
Writer: Koko Bz
Starring: Jennifer Rachel Natasya, Zacky Zimah, Teuku Rifnu Wikana
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