Puluhan siswa tewas secara mengenaskan pada ujian sekolah terakhir. Bermula dari salah satu siswa yang kesurupan dan merugikan siswa lainnya. Kekuatan iblis mengancam kehidupan mereka.
Dozens of students died gruesomely during the last school exams. It started with one of the students being possessed and harming the others. The devil's power threatens their lives.
Dozens of students died gruesomely during the last school exams. It started with one of the students being possessed and harming the others. The devil's power threatens their lives.
Directors: Lakonde
Writer: Alim Sudio, Monty Tiwa, Monty Tiwa
Starring: Karina Suwandi, Teddy Syach, Lania Fira
Writer: Alim Sudio, Monty Tiwa, Monty Tiwa
Starring: Karina Suwandi, Teddy Syach, Lania Fira
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