Sebuah remake dari film klasik Horor Indonesia, 'Bayi Ajaib' 1982. Seorang anak yang dirasuki oleh roh jahat sejak bayi, dan digunakan sebagai upaya jahat untuk mendapatkan kekuatan. Kosim, menjadi kaya tiba -tiba setelah menemukan emas di sungai di desa Hirupbagja. Dia segera menikahi Sumi dan menjalani kehidupan yang makmur sebagai tuan tanah.
A remake from Indonesian horor classic movie, 'Bayi Ajaib' 1982. A child who was possessed by an evil spirit since infancy, and was used as evil attempts to gain power. Kosim, becomes suddenly rich after finding gold in a river in the village of Hirupbagja. He soon marries Sumi and lives a prosperous life as a landlord.
A remake from Indonesian horor classic movie, 'Bayi Ajaib' 1982. A child who was possessed by an evil spirit since infancy, and was used as evil attempts to gain power. Kosim, becomes suddenly rich after finding gold in a river in the village of Hirupbagja. He soon marries Sumi and lives a prosperous life as a landlord.
Directors: Rako Prijanto
Writer: Alim Sudio
Starring: Vino G Bastian, Adipati Dolken, Desy Ratnasari
Writer: Alim Sudio
Starring: Vino G Bastian, Adipati Dolken, Desy Ratnasari
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