Bangunan bekas rumah sakit ini menyimpan banyak cerita mistis dan angker. Seorang wanita melihat rumah sakit masih buka dan melayani pasien pada malam hari. Ayoel mencoba memanfaatkan kisah mistis tersebut untuk mendongkrak popularitasnya di dunia maya.
A former hospital building holds many mystical and haunted stories. A woman sees that the hospital is still open and serves patients at night. Ayoel tries to take advantage of this mystical story to boost his popularity in cyberspace.
A former hospital building holds many mystical and haunted stories. A woman sees that the hospital is still open and serves patients at night. Ayoel tries to take advantage of this mystical story to boost his popularity in cyberspace.
Directors: Irham Acho Bahtiar
Writer: Irham Acho Bahtiar
Starring: Ince Syahrul Anam, Gadis Basalamah, Saddam Basalamah
Writer: Irham Acho Bahtiar
Starring: Ince Syahrul Anam, Gadis Basalamah, Saddam Basalamah
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