Seorang penulis muda diserang oleh seorang pemimpin kultus terkenal dan pembunuh massal, seorang pria yang memberikan kendali yang tidak dapat dijelaskan atas para pengikutnya. Ketika dia tidak mengklaim ingatan tentang serangan itu, keluarganya mulai mempertanyakan motifnya.
A young writer is attacked by a notorious cult leader and mass murderer, a man who exerts an inexplicable control over his followers. When she claims no memory of the attack, her family begins to question her motives.
A young writer is attacked by a notorious cult leader and mass murderer, a man who exerts an inexplicable control over his followers. When she claims no memory of the attack, her family begins to question her motives.
Directors: Sheldon Wilson
Writer: Sheldon Wilson
Starring: Lauren Lee Smith, Ella Ballentine, Peter Mooney
Writer: Sheldon Wilson
Starring: Lauren Lee Smith, Ella Ballentine, Peter Mooney
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