Beneath the Green (2023)
81 Minm | | Mystery, Science Fiction | 2023-01-27
Seorang astronot yang bandel mendapati dirinya terperangkap di dalam kesadaran kolektif sebuah planet yang berupaya mengajari kita cara menaklukkan masa lalu kita untuk bergerak maju dengan masa kini.
A wayward astronaut finds himself trapped inside the collective consciousness of a planet that seeks to teach us how to conquer our past to move forward with the present.
A wayward astronaut finds himself trapped inside the collective consciousness of a planet that seeks to teach us how to conquer our past to move forward with the present.
Directors: Jason Georgiades
Writer: Jason Georgiades
Starring: Eric Roberts, Anthony Nikolchev, Garland Scott
Writer: Jason Georgiades
Starring: Eric Roberts, Anthony Nikolchev, Garland Scott
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