Ketika mantan pembawa acara TV dan sosialita, Lex mendapati dirinya dihadapkan dengan kemungkinan menghabiskan Natal berbagi chalet mewah dengan putranya, mantan suami dan pacar barunya, dia menjadi sukarelawan untuk bekerja di chalet untuk menghindari hal -hal yang terlalu dekat dengan rumah, sambil mendokumentasikan setiap gerakannya untuk gelombang baru pengikut yang mencintai babak baru ini.
When ex TV host and socialite Lex finds herself faced with the possibility of spending Christmas sharing a luxury chalet with her son, ex husband and his new girlfriend, she volunteers to work in the chalet to avoid things getting too close to home, while documenting her every move for a new wave of followers loving this new chapter of her life.
When ex TV host and socialite Lex finds herself faced with the possibility of spending Christmas sharing a luxury chalet with her son, ex husband and his new girlfriend, she volunteers to work in the chalet to avoid things getting too close to home, while documenting her every move for a new wave of followers loving this new chapter of her life.
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