Cocoa (2023)
94 Minm | United States of America | Comedy | 2023-01-23
Dua saudara perempuan yang berlawanan mencapai titik terendah dan menemukan diri mereka bersama untuk mencoba membangun kembali kehidupan mereka. Ketika satu-satunya hiburan adalah kue coklat ibu mereka, mereka memutuskan untuk membuat kue coklat yang akan membuat berat badan Anda turun
Two opposite sisters hit rock bottom and find themselves together to try to rebuild their lives. When the only solace is their mother's chocolate cake, they decide to create a chocolate cake that will make you lose weight
Two opposite sisters hit rock bottom and find themselves together to try to rebuild their lives. When the only solace is their mother's chocolate cake, they decide to create a chocolate cake that will make you lose weight
Directors: Joe Gawalis, Jody Mortara
Writer: Jody Mortara
Starring: Jody Mortara, Megan McGarvey, Cedric Gegel
Writer: Jody Mortara
Starring: Jody Mortara, Megan McGarvey, Cedric Gegel
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