Crackcoon (2023)
88 Minm | United States of America | Horror | 2023-11-23
Ketika narkoba jalanan hasil rekayasa sintetis dibuang di hutan oleh seorang pengedar narkoba saat terjadi kejar-kejaran dengan polisi, dampak buruknya terbukti sangat mengerikan ketika seekor rakun yang tidak bersalah memakannya, mengubahnya menjadi mesin pembunuh yang mengerikan langsung dari perut neraka. . Karena para pekemah, turis, dan penduduk komunitas pegunungan yang tidak curiga semuanya berada di dekat pusat gempa, tidak ada yang aman dari amukan monster yang tak henti-hentinya.
When a synthetically-altered street drug is discarded in the woods by a drug dealer during a car chase with police, the fallout proves nothing less than horrific when an innocent raccoon eats it, transforming it into a nightmarish killing machine straight from the bowels of hell. With unsuspecting campers, tourists, and residents of a mountain community all in close proximity to the epicenter, no one is safe from the monster's unrelenting rampage.
When a synthetically-altered street drug is discarded in the woods by a drug dealer during a car chase with police, the fallout proves nothing less than horrific when an innocent raccoon eats it, transforming it into a nightmarish killing machine straight from the bowels of hell. With unsuspecting campers, tourists, and residents of a mountain community all in close proximity to the epicenter, no one is safe from the monster's unrelenting rampage.
Directors: Brad Twigg
Writer: Gary Lee Vincent, Todd Martin
Starring: Jessa Flux, Angel Nichole Bradford, Gary Lee Vincent
Writer: Gary Lee Vincent, Todd Martin
Starring: Jessa Flux, Angel Nichole Bradford, Gary Lee Vincent
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