Craft Me a Romance (2023)
0 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, TV Movie, Romance | 2023-09-23
Nicole Borden, pemilik toko seni dan kerajinan kuno "The Crafty Companion", dihadapkan pada ultimatum ketika pemilik "Mitchell's Art and Craft Supplies" mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dia harus menjual tokonya atau terpaksa gulung tikar.
Nicole Borden, the owner of a quaint arts and crafts store "The Crafty Companion", is faced with an ultimatum when the owner of "Mitchell's Art and Craft Supplies" tells her she must either sell her store or be forced out of business.
Nicole Borden, the owner of a quaint arts and crafts store "The Crafty Companion", is faced with an ultimatum when the owner of "Mitchell's Art and Craft Supplies" tells her she must either sell her store or be forced out of business.
Directors: Sam Irvin
Writer: Terence Brody
Starring: Jodie Sweetin, Brent Bailey, Michael Patrick Lane
Writer: Terence Brody
Starring: Jodie Sweetin, Brent Bailey, Michael Patrick Lane
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