Harper, seorang guru dan ilustrator yang bercita -cita tinggi, yang ingin terobosan besar, disadap untuk berkolaborasi dengan Caleb, seorang penulis buku anak -anak yang menuntut yang selebritasnya memudar. Ketika dia bersikeras bekerja melalui Pekan Natal di kota kecil yang kuno di Colorado, dia harus menggunakan perayaan liburan kota untuk membantu mengeluarkannya dari blok penulisnya.
Harper, a teacher and aspiring illustrator, eager for her big break, is tapped to collaborate with Caleb, a demanding children’s book author whose celebrity is waning. When he insists on her working through Christmas week in a quaint small town in Colorado, she must use the town’s holiday celebrations to help break him out of his writer’s block.
Harper, a teacher and aspiring illustrator, eager for her big break, is tapped to collaborate with Caleb, a demanding children’s book author whose celebrity is waning. When he insists on her working through Christmas week in a quaint small town in Colorado, she must use the town’s holiday celebrations to help break him out of his writer’s block.
Directors: Jason James
Writer: Sean Ridgway, Julie Tortorici
Starring: Greer Grammer, Jason Cermak, Briana Buckmaster
Writer: Sean Ridgway, Julie Tortorici
Starring: Greer Grammer, Jason Cermak, Briana Buckmaster
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