Day of the Clones (2024)
98 Minm | United Kingdom | Horror, Science Fiction | 2024-08-13
Ketika klon pembunuh mengambil alih dunia, seorang ilmuwan yang diliputi rasa bersalah mencoba melindungi sekelompok manusia di sebuah rumah pertanian yang terisolasi. Namun anak yang tumbuh di dalam rahim pacarnya mungkin akan menjadi akhir bagi umat manusia.
When homicidal clones take over the world, a guilt-ridden scientist tries to protect a group of humans in an isolated farmhouse. But the child growing in his girlfriend's womb might just spell the end for mankind.
When homicidal clones take over the world, a guilt-ridden scientist tries to protect a group of humans in an isolated farmhouse. But the child growing in his girlfriend's womb might just spell the end for mankind.
Directors: Eric Steele
Writer: Eric Steele, Eric Steele
Starring: Adam Weldrick, Sean Cernow, Natasha Lucia Rea
Writer: Eric Steele, Eric Steele
Starring: Adam Weldrick, Sean Cernow, Natasha Lucia Rea
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