Dead Man's Hand (2023)
96 Minm | United States of America | Western | 2023-07-07
Seorang penembak yang baru menikah mencari kehidupan yang tenang dengan pengantinnya. Ketika dia membunuh seorang bandit untuk membela diri, dia menemukan mereka berdua menarik kembali ke jalan lamanya. Walikota yang korup dari lokal mereka tidak akan membiarkan kematian saudaranya tidak dihukum.
A newly married gunfighter seeks a quiet life with his bride. When he kills a bandit in self-defense, he finds them both pulled back into his old ways. The corrupt mayor of their locale will not let his brother's death go unpunished.
A newly married gunfighter seeks a quiet life with his bride. When he kills a bandit in self-defense, he finds them both pulled back into his old ways. The corrupt mayor of their locale will not let his brother's death go unpunished.
Directors: Brian Skiba
Writer: Brian Skiba, Kevin Minor, Matthew Minor
Starring: Stephen Dorff, Jack Kilmer, Cole Hauser
Writer: Brian Skiba, Kevin Minor, Matthew Minor
Starring: Stephen Dorff, Jack Kilmer, Cole Hauser
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