Nelayan Chen Yue disewa untuk membawa sekelompok orang, termasuk fotografer Zhong Ming, ke pesta di pulau samudra. Setibanya di sana, pulau itu diserang oleh ular piton laut dalam yang besar, membunuh siapa pun yang ditemukannya. Chen Yue dan Zhong Ming harus bekerja sama untuk memimpin para penyintas keluar dari bahaya dalam perjuangan untuk bertahan hidup.
Fisherman Chen Yue is hired to sail a group of people, including photographer Zhong Ming, to a party on an ocean island. Upon arrival, the island is attacked by a massive deep-sea python, killing anyone it finds. Chen Yue and Zhong Ming must work together to lead the survivors out of danger in a fight for survival.
Fisherman Chen Yue is hired to sail a group of people, including photographer Zhong Ming, to a party on an ocean island. Upon arrival, the island is attacked by a massive deep-sea python, killing anyone it finds. Chen Yue and Zhong Ming must work together to lead the survivors out of danger in a fight for survival.
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