Kelahiran dan kematian terjadi ketika tanduk iblis naik. Teror menunggu kelahiran seorang anak dari pernikahan pra-hamil dan 14 hari menunggu kematian karena implan yang belum dihapus.
Birth and death occur when the devil's horns rise. The terror of waiting for the birth of a child from a pre-pregnant marriage and the 14 day wait for death due to an implant that had not been removed.
Birth and death occur when the devil's horns rise. The terror of waiting for the birth of a child from a pre-pregnant marriage and the 14 day wait for death due to an implant that had not been removed.
Directors: Amriy R Suwardi, Bobby Prasetyo
Writer: Amriy R Suwardi, Bobby Prasetyo
Starring: Boy Muhammad, Asih Anandafe, Nazla Thoyib
Writer: Amriy R Suwardi, Bobby Prasetyo
Starring: Boy Muhammad, Asih Anandafe, Nazla Thoyib
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