Disco Inferno (2023)
19 Minm | United States of America | Horror | 2023-10-20
Sepasang suami istri muda membayangkan kehadiran gelap yang haus akan bayi mereka yang belum lahir saat mereka bersiap untuk meramaikan lantai dansa di disko terpanas di LA.
A young couple conjures a dark presence that hungers for their unborn baby as they prepare to burn up the dance floor at LA's hottest disco.
A young couple conjures a dark presence that hungers for their unborn baby as they prepare to burn up the dance floor at LA's hottest disco.
Directors: Matthew Castellanos
Writer: Matthew Castellanos, Mike Ambs
Starring: Soni Bringas, Stephen Ruffin, Helene Udy
Writer: Matthew Castellanos, Mike Ambs
Starring: Soni Bringas, Stephen Ruffin, Helene Udy
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