Don't Turn Out the Lights (2024)
109 Minm | United States of America | Horror | 2024-07-12
Bersatu kembali untuk akhir pekan yang tak terlupakan, sekelompok teman sekolah menengah beristirahat dari kehidupan terpisah mereka di kampus untuk bepergian dengan RV ke festival musik. Rencana akhir pekan mereka yang menarik dengan cepat terbongkar saat mereka mendapati diri mereka berjuang untuk bertahan hidup satu sama lain dan hal-hal yang tidak diketahui.
Reuniting for an unforgettable weekend, a group of high school friends takes a break from their separate lives at college to travel by RV to a musical festival. Their exciting weekend plans quickly unravel as they find themselves fighting to survive each other and the unknown.
Reuniting for an unforgettable weekend, a group of high school friends takes a break from their separate lives at college to travel by RV to a musical festival. Their exciting weekend plans quickly unravel as they find themselves fighting to survive each other and the unknown.
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