Aravind telah dikaruniai dua malaikat dalam hidupnya sejak kelahirannya yaitu Kanan dan Kiri, salah satunya secara tidak sengaja merenggut nyawa Aravind jauh sebelum waktunya di Bumi berakhir. Pada saat mereka menyadari kesalahan mereka, tubuhnya dibawa pergi oleh Rocket dan Murder Mani. Kekacauan terjadi ketika kartu domino terus berjatuhan seiring dengan kejadian yang tidak diinginkan yang terjadi setelah kejadian lainnya.
Aravind has been gifted with two angels in his life ever since his birth namely Right and Left, one of them accidentally takes Aravind’s life much before his time on Earth ends. By the time they realize their mistake, his body is taken away by Rocket and Murder Mani. Chaos ensues as the dominoes keep tumbling as one untoward incident follows another .
Aravind has been gifted with two angels in his life ever since his birth namely Right and Left, one of them accidentally takes Aravind’s life much before his time on Earth ends. By the time they realize their mistake, his body is taken away by Rocket and Murder Mani. Chaos ensues as the dominoes keep tumbling as one untoward incident follows another .
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