Kakak beradik Kate dan Megan menghadiri pekan raya pernikahan setempat. Mereka bercanda memasukkan paket pernikahan impian meskipun mereka belum menikah. Kejutannya, para suster menang dan sekarang harus tampil atau merasa malu dengan keputusan sampanye mereka.
Sisters Kate and Megan attend their local wedding fair they jokingly enter a dream wedding package even though they are not getting married. Surprise the sisters win and now must put on a show or be mortified by their champagne decisions.
Sisters Kate and Megan attend their local wedding fair they jokingly enter a dream wedding package even though they are not getting married. Surprise the sisters win and now must put on a show or be mortified by their champagne decisions.
Directors: Scott Corban Sikma
Writer: Peter Layton
Starring: Jesse Hutch, Rebecca Dalton, Amy Matysio
Writer: Peter Layton
Starring: Jesse Hutch, Rebecca Dalton, Amy Matysio
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