Terisolasi di pinggiran kota metropolitan yang tak berjiwa, Catherine bertahan hidup dengan sisa-sisa pekerjaan penerjemahan. Tapi klien misterius menawarkan pekerjaan yang menguntungkan, dan kesempatan bagi Catherine untuk menuruti keinginannya yang salah dan tidak sesuai.
Ketika film tersebut terungkap, garis antara kenyataan dan khayalan menjadi kabur, mencerminkan perjuangan Catherine untuk memahami bagian-bagian tercemar dari gulungan misterius kliennya.
Isolated on the fringes of a soulless metropolis, Catherine survives on scraps of translation work. But a mysterious client offers a lucrative job, and an opportunity for Catherine to indulge in her malformed and incompatible desires. As the film unravels, the lines between reality and delusion blur, seamlessly mirroring Catherine's struggle to make sense of the tainted fragments of her client's mysterious scroll.
Isolated on the fringes of a soulless metropolis, Catherine survives on scraps of translation work. But a mysterious client offers a lucrative job, and an opportunity for Catherine to indulge in her malformed and incompatible desires. As the film unravels, the lines between reality and delusion blur, seamlessly mirroring Catherine's struggle to make sense of the tainted fragments of her client's mysterious scroll.
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