Empty Gazes (2023)
0 Minm | United States of America | Horror | 2023-10-13
"Empty Gazes" adalah antologi 2 bagian termasuk cerita "Blank Stare" dan "Reboot". "Blank Stare" bercerita tentang seorang pria bertopeng dan balas dendamnya terhadap seorang wanita. "Reboot" adalah kisah peringatan tentang masa depan perbankan otomatis.
"Empty Gazes" is a 2-part anthology including the stories "Blank Stare" and "Reboot". "Blank Stare" tells the story of a man in a mask and his vendetta against a woman. "Reboot" is a cautionary tale about the future of automated banking.
"Empty Gazes" is a 2-part anthology including the stories "Blank Stare" and "Reboot". "Blank Stare" tells the story of a man in a mask and his vendetta against a woman. "Reboot" is a cautionary tale about the future of automated banking.
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